Here is our first raffle item of our 6-month weekly raffle. Please be patient with us as we work out the finer details over the first few weeks. Your $5 raffle ticket can be purchased in person or over the phone at Second Story Women’s Centre during opening hours. (more locations coming) For more information or to sign up for weekly reminders go to
The buoy was donated by Mom’s Buy & Sell in Lunenburg. Frans Aeyelts is the artist who sanded back the old layers of paint and created this beautiful work of art. He describes it by saying, "The four images are original watercolour paintings depicting iconic N.S. scenes, the Bluenose on the high seas, a typical N.S. lighthouse, a Cape Breton Island piper and a coastal harbour. The bright colours reflect the province's varied landscape and inspired me to paint these scenes. Tourists come from far and wide to enjoy our beautiful province."
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