The Province is looking for feedback from the public about its Intimate Images and Cyber-Protection Act by January 28, 2022. From CBC NS:
"The Nova Scotia government is hoping to improve its Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Act based on feedback from the public. An online survey was launched Thursday. The public is also being invited to send submissions by email, mail and phone.....The act allows victims and families to use alternative means of dispute resolution and obtain protection orders to get alleged offenders to stop damaging activities. Other provisions include requesting removal of online content and seeking compensation." To learn more, read the rest of the CBC article. You can access the survey here.
Not only is January a time when lots of folks commit or re-commit to making their overall wellness and mental and physical well-being a priority, but we are also currently dealing with a resurgence of Covid-19 cases due to the Omicron variant which is impacting people's mental health and wellness. In order to support those of you who are looking for supports during this time, and particularly free/low-cost and virtual supports, we wanted to compile a list of resources for you that may help.
Nutrition, Movement, and Physical Well-Being
Do you know of any other free/low-cost programming and activities that support mental and physical well-being that are happening over the next few weeks that we missed? Please let us know at [email protected]. |